Feng Shui tips * Days to Take Action * Flower Essences & more

Published: Tue, 11/18/14

Harmony Tips for Your Head, Heart and Home

 Welcome to my FIRST newsletter!

This newsletter has been a long time in the making and has taken a few people pushing and shoving me (you know who you are!) I am excited and grateful to be sharing my knowledge with you in this way. I've broken the newsletter down into sections so you can search easily for the information that most interests you.  Please share it using the links at the bottom because my goal is to educate as many people as possible!

So many people ask me where I came up with the name for my business, Finding Your Fiji, and does it relate to the country Fiji. Yes, yes, it does!

I was sitting on the deck of a bure in Fiji in 2012 enjoying the tropical breeze, the scent of the beautiful red flowers and the panoramic view of the blue green ocean when I thought, this is my dream lifeI didn't know then how much my life would change in 2 short years. I launched Finding Your Fiji last August without a very clear idea of what it would encompass. I knew I wanted to help others "Find and live their Fiji" ~ their dream lives because, like me, most of you want more from life than you're currently experiencing.

I had discovered the powerful healing effect of Flower Essences, yet I knew there was more I was meant to do. Since launching the business last August, I have added Feng Shui Consulting Services, Angel Card Readings, Dream Board Workshops and Future Mapping to help you Find Your Fiji. I'll be sharing more about these topics in future issues. There will always be a Feng Shui article to answer the many questions I am asked on that topic. If you have a question, feel free to Email me and I will work it into a newsletter or answer directly.

What is Feng Shui anyway? Feng Shui (pronounced Fung Shway) has been used by the Chinese for thousands of years to arrange their homes to attract desired wealth, career, relationships, good health and more. Feng Shui is based on the principle that everything is energy and that your environment (home and office) reflects your life. Amazing transformations have taken place in short periods of time in my own home, client's homes and client's offices. What many people don't understand is that the changes we make are often very small and can even be hidden so you don't have to move all of your furniture around!  

Personally, I have been studying and practicing Feng Shui for over 10 years and found it extremely effective in speeding up the Law of Attraction. When I discovered there was a local school offering a Feng Shui Certification program, I jumped at the chance. I graduated from Wind and Water School of Feng Shui in October, having completed over 99 hours of coursework and doing many consults over the 9 month program. I have truly found my Fiji of work in Feng Shui

I have a gift for seeing the energetic stop signs in your home and office which are blocking you from attracting everything you want to be, do and have into your life. And it's so much fun to watch things flow after we make a few very simple adjustments!

CLICK the link to get your FREE Gift: Nine Fast Feng Shui Fixes to Attract Abundance

  Closing Two Businesses - Ideal Designs & GoldSwap

It's been quite a year as I close these two businesses.

Ideal Designs Jewelry has been operating since 2005 and GoldSwap has been running since 2009.  My jewelry is all 50% off and I hope to clear that out by the end of the year (Christmas gifts anyone??!) My Etsy site has a few pieces listed.
Use the code SAVE50 to get the 50% off Etsy prices.

Call or email me to come by and shop in person!

I also have a large stock of beads I am selling so if you know any bead store owners or jewelry makers, send them my way!

Gold/Silver Buying will continue through the end of the year so if you've been hanging onto any of that old jewelry, now's the time to part with it.

FENG SHUI ARTICLE     Shut the Front Door...or Open It!


When you hear someone talk about Feng Shui, an image of a front door painted red may come to mind. In Feng Shui, we refer to the front door as the “mouth of chi.” This is where the energy and opportunities enter your home and, in effect, your life.

Can you see your front door from the street? Or is it blocked by overgrown bushes or trees? Perhaps your front door is actually on the side of the house. How is the energy and opportunities going to find you?! Is the pathway from the street to your front door welcoming? What about your front door itself? Does it blend in with the rest of the house?

The truth is you don’t need to paint your front door red.

   Dates to Take Action

The Chinese calendar provides direction astrologically on days that tend to be
challenging or favorable.  Pay attention to these dates to increase your success!

Make decisions, take major
action and make changes
on these days.

November 2014
December 2014

Extremely Good Days
   2, 14, 27
3, 10, 28
Good Days

Take a step back, avoid
making decisions and lay
low on these days.

   15, 20, 26
2, 9, 15, 22

Challenging Days
6, 7
Extremely Challenging Days
   7, 23
1, 5, 14, 19, 26

Upcoming Events

Intuitive Health Fair on Small Business Saturday
November 29th

12 - 5pm
No Knots Massage
St. Paul Park, MN

* Come by my Feng Shui booth and pick up your FREE color Bagua!

Quick Health Tips

By Malia of Whole Body Nutrition & Lifestyle Coaching    

Seaweed is a great source of iodine, improves focus, alkalizes the blood and prevents sugar cravings.  You can buy snack pack sizes at Sam's Club, perfect for on the go healthy snacking. WholeBody FB page   Website

 There's An Essence for That...     FOCUS

Are you having trouble focusing as we near the holiday season?  There are several Flower Essences that can help with that!   

My Power Healing Combo is FOCUS & CLARITY 
This essence mix includes: Bottle Gentian, Carrot, Orange Hawkweed, Grapefruit, Eyes of Mary, Lavender and Pear.   
Order Focus & Clarity for only $18 here!

Read more about Flower Essences Here

 Flower Essences are homeopathic (natural) remedies and offer wonderful healing information about a vast array of emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual concerns.  
Click here for a list of Common Concerns

Kim Julen, Shift Master
WWS Certified Feng Shui Practitioner

Email Me