I'm featured in a BLOG!

Published: Tue, 02/06/18

Moving the Feng Shui Way & Other thoughts on Finding Your Dream Life By Melissa McNallan

Do you ever notice that when you’re moving in the right direction the world seems to work with you? Like everything is conspiring for you?


On January 7th, we decided to start house shopping. In less than a week we found the one and had our offer accepted. Yesterday we learned that we will be closing and moving in on February 12th.

On January 25th, I noticed a Facebook invite from Sue Henry, a networking acquaintance. She had just started a group called Connect, Grow, Learn, Succeed. I accepted the invite.

The first person I connected with in it was Kim Julen, owner of Finding Your Fiji. She helps people create harmony for their head, heart, and home. Her work includes coaching, angel readings, and Feng Shui. Finding Your Fiji is all about finding and living your dream life.

“I really love all of the different aspects of my business. I would be bored if I just had to do one thing. Some people ask, ‘How did you create this business where they all come together?'” Kim’s answer: it’s about having harmony between your head, heart, and home.​​​​​​​

Moving On and Finding Her Fiji in Maui

Kim is well-versed in what it means to move forward without hesitation. In 2017 she moved from Minnesota to Maui, a place she had never been.

“I thought that I was going to visit,” said Kim. “My angels and guides were giving me signs that Maui was meant to be my place. I literally had to sell everything I owned to move. It’s expensive to ship things to Maui. It made more sense to dump everything.” Read More

Find Your Maui Group Registration is still OPEN!

11 week Coaching Program begins February 12th

This is a journey...

For those that want to do more and be more—just as I did.
You'll receive firsthand knowledge about how I made the big move to Maui & how to make BIG CHANGES in your own life.

You are being called to a bigger purpose.

You are being called to go within and to embrace the life you intended to live all along.

💜 Experience MAGIC, LOVE, ABUNDANCE, JOY & HARMONY in your life as you Find Your Inner Maui  💜 Find your flow, your Divinely Aligned Path and a deeper connection with who you really are!
  • Best of both worlds - Group + Private Coaching!
  • Monthly 60 minute PRIVATE 1:1 COACHING sessions (1 per mo x 3 months)
  • Your own FENG SHUI BAGUA with basic floor plan analysis
  • Monthly REMOTE CLEARINGS of your space
  • New Meditations monthly 
  • Weekly Feng Shui Shift actions
  • Weekly Spread Your Wings practices
  • 3 GROUP SESSIONS Monthly (1 FB Live and 2 Zoom Sessions)
  • ENERGY WORK by the Archangels during each group and 1:1 session to support your shifts and upliftment
  • Private Facebook Group to share & support one another
  • Private ONLINE PORTAL with reference documents
  • Handouts, video links & more to support your expansion
  • Weekly surveys to share your feedback, insights & challenges
  • Inclusion in DAILY PRAYER CIRCLE ~ being held and supported energetically by me and my Spiritual Team, Christine & Co.
  • Bonus!  2018 Year of the Earth Dog Feng Shui adjustments

    I've lived the mediocre life...
  • Surviving winters in Minnesota
  • Racing around, filling my schedule with meetings, networking events & more
  • Barely making ends meet
  • Working 7 days a week
  • Feeling uncertain about my direction in life
  • On the dating roller coaster
  • Feeling exhausted and yet unfulfilled
  • Living for vacations and self-improvement seminars
  • Feeling guilty for purchasing programs & then not doing them
  • Knowing something needed to change, but not knowing what to do
  • Feeling disconnected, unsupported and lost
Now I live a magic-filled life...and you can too!!
  • THRIVING surrounded by nature & the beauty of Maui
  • Pushing myself out of my comfort zone & having fun doing it
  • Constant synchronicities
  • New homes, cars, and people line up with ease
  • No more chasing after things - instead they simply FLOW to me
  • More time for PLAY
  • More MONEY flowing with less effort
  • A strong, clear CONNECTION with my Spiritual Team of Angels & Guides
  • Making decisions is easy and fun
  • Lots of ENERGY & a zest for life
  • Living like I'm on vacation every single day so not feeling like I need one
  • Purchasing only programs I'm guided to and then seeing Spirit line up my time 
  • Knowing exactly what to do each day, week and month to live my DESTINY
  • Feeling SUPPORTED and LOVED
  • Acknowledging I can navigate with ease ANYTHING that comes up in my life & having the tools to do so
Bringing Harmony to Your:
Head by encouraging new ways of thinking about life, getting clear about what you truly desire and what’s keeping you from creating that in your life. You will learn to identify your triggers and limiting beliefs and to process your emotions to uncover their gifts.

Heart by creating connection within the group, receiving support and encouragement and uplifting energy through sharing joys, love and light. You will tap into your Higher Wisdom and learning how to connect with your own Spiritual Team of angels and guides so that you hear and understand their Divine guidance and make better decisions. Plus you’ll learn how to keep your energy field clear and increase your energy levels.

Home by understanding how your home correlates to your life and clearing the physical blocks in your space to create an environment that energetically supports you and the changes you are making. You will shift the energy of your space so it has good flow and feels amazing! Using specific Feng Shui adjustments speeds up the magic and provides added support for you to “Find Your Inner Maui!”

Full Value of these services is $5,000!!

INTRODUCTORY Rate for Zodiac Members ONLY
Your Investment is $444/month x 3 months
We all need mentors to help us see our blind spots, to think new thoughts and to shift into higher levels of consciousness and JOY. You are worth the investment of time. You are worth the investment of money. You are worth the investment of focused attention to yourself and your personal growth!

Space is limited to 22 participants so REGISTER as soon as you feel a YES!

Past clients have experienced...
  • Greater connection with their own Divine wisdom and Spiritual Team
  • Gained clarity on where they were meant to live
  • Sold homes
  • Met their Beloveds
  • Began living more fully their purpose
  • Attracted new clients and Increased Income
  • Released toxic relationships
  • Improved relationships (more balance and harmony)
  • Moved with ease
  • Deepened (or began) their Spiritual practice
  • Become more intuitive
  • Increased confidence levels
  • Feeling calmer and more at peace
  • Huge shifts in their life (in a good way!) 
  • An acurate Bagua (mental map) of your home
  • Practices to help you navigate your life
  • Tools for staying aligned and connected to who you really are
  • Clarity about what you want and how to magnetize it to you
  • Powerful Feng Shui adjustments to shift the energy in your space and life
  • 2018 Chinese Year of the Dog adjustments
  • 12 Channeled Guidance transmissions you can relisten to again and again
  • 3 Life-shifting, Peace-inducing channeled meditations you can relisten to over and over
  • A community of people who support you, love you and cheer you on with me as your biggest fan  

Finding Your Fiji LLC
Surrounding You with Love and Light! 

Kim Julen

Finding Your Fiji LLC