FR*E Readings! Angel Reading SALE 😇 Feng Shui Sale ✨ + Decision Dates

Published: Thu, 11/02/17

November 3, 2017

Aloha!  Winter in Maui

Now is the time of year where I am really appreciating the beauty and weather of Maui. I wore jeans the other night when it dropped down to 70 degrees as I felt chilly - my blood must be thinning! It has snowed a few times in Minnesota already and my Dad described the weather as "biting" today when we chatted. 

I'm enjoying some new activities here on Maui, including playing in an Improv group. I have performed twice and although I was a little nervous the first time, the weekly classes and more time practicing weekly has made me much more comfortable on stage!

Hot Stuff! 

💜 NEW! I've now been guided to offer Feng Shui FRIDAY - a new weekly YouTube only series that will bring you quick Feng Shui tips every week on Friday! Check out the series here! 

💜 I'm also continuing DAILY Angel Insight readings on YouTube & Facebook. These are quick - usually 5 minutes or less - and will give you gentle guidance for your day. Follow my FB page here or Subscribe to my YouTube channel! 
(click on the red SUBSCRIBE button on the right)

💜 The last FREE Intuitive Tuesdays videos on Signs, Symbols & Synchronicities are now available. These are things we wish we had known years ago. Click here for the full Intuitive Tuesdays series with Dr. Cara Gubbins.

💜 Your November FREE zodiac readings and November and December Decision-making dates are here for you too!

 Halloween Angel Reading Sale!
Use Coupon Code HALLOWEEN to 💲save 31% now through November 6th 
Schedule here! 
🎃 Angel Reading GIFT CERTIFICATES also on sale!
Use Coupon Code HALLOWEEN2 to 💲save 31% through November 6th! 
Order Gift Certificates Here   

You can NOW purchase an UNLIMITED number of these through Nov. 6th so if you’re looking for Christmas gifts, stock up! I know for sure I won’t be doing this deep a discount for my holiday sale.
         November Feng Shui Sale!

Is it time to SHIFT your life?​​​​​​​

Regularly $675, for the month of November you can shift your life for only $477!! (Appts can be scheduled later)
Save $198 on a Focused FENG SHUI Consult
coupon code FOCUS! 
2 Pay plans are available 

"Things were not going well when Kim came into our home for a Feng Shui consult and it totally has changed our lives!"      Becky Fox, Cottage Grove, MN

"I have always been interested in Feng Shui and have even tried to apply it to my home and office space myself...although without any great success. When I learned that Kim would come and do a consult at my home, I jumped at the opportunity! I was amazed at the subtle changes and/or fixes that one can make and what an amazing impact it can make. I hung a bell on my patio door 'to call the money back' and just found a 401K investment from a previous employer valued at almost $100K! I also started as an Independent Meeting Planner a year ago and have had a very prosperous first year that ended with a business trip (and mini vacation) to Hawaii in November. My home feels harmonious and I am energized by all the wonderful things that are happening!" 
Amy-Marie Lemanski, Plymouth, MN               

Focused Home Feng Shui Package 
Zoom or In Person (on Maui)

Focus on specific life challenges to attract the things you want to be, do and have in your life. Here we can address Health, Career, Finance and Partnership issues and provide specific adjustments to remedy imbalances.

Bring harmony to your life & home quickly with a personal consult!
  • Accurate Bagua (mental map of your main level)
  • Floor Plan Analysis (missing pieces, stair, fireplace, bathroom & door issues)
  • 1 hour private consultation
  • Summary with prioritized adjustments
  • 30 minute follow up phone consult
Feng Shui works quickly to unblock stuck energy and is a powerful tool for attracting the people, circumstances and things you want into your life! It creates an environment that supports you and your dream life.

The biggest difference you will notice is that Feng Shui makes life easier and things simply flow to you.  

 Free Angel Readings
 Specific for your zodiac sign, these readings provide guidance about what you need to know and do to navigate this month with more ease & grace! 

PLUS, Feng Shui for WORK!! 
For only $5.55
 Deep Dive Readings include:

♥ Deeper Dive Feng Shui tips

♥ Deeper info on Health, Relationships, Finances & Career​​​​​​​
FREE Intuitive Tuesdays Series

Intuitive Tuesdays

This YouTube series will give you practical and fun information around using your innate intuition. Every week, on Tuesday, join Dr. Cara Gubbins, Animal Intuitive and I as we share our knowledge around all things intuitive. ​​​​​​​

Universal Guidance Series

Part 1 - Signs
Part 2 - Symbols
Part 3 - Synchronicities

Energetic Tools Series

Part 1- Tools for Self-Care
Part 2 - Tools for Environment
Part 3 - Tools to Connect w/ Others
Part 4 - Tools for Manifesting  

Meet Your Guides Series

Part 1 – Prepare to meet your guides
Part 2 – How to meet your guides

Part 3 – How to Work w/ Your Guides
Part 4 – How to Receive Guidance

First series includes...
Session 1: Discovering Our Gifts
Session 2: Who Are Our Helpers?
Session 3: Everyday Intuition
Session 4: Professional Intuition ​​​​​​​

 November & December 
​​​​​​​Decision Making Dates

Navigate your month with more ease!​​​​​​​

The Chinese calendar provides direction astrologically on days that tend to be
challenging or favorable. Pay attention to these dates to increase your success!

Kim Julen
Feng Shui Intuitive Coach

WWS Certified Feng Shui Practitioner

Certified Angel CardReader