FREE April Readings! What's in Store for You? 😇✨ Plus Decision Dates

Published: Thu, 04/06/17

 Happy April! 

What a whirlwind it is selling my house, getting ready to move, shooting videos and taking care of clients all at once. My monthly Zodiac videos are a little late coming out as a result of all of this.

When things like this happen, it’s always a good reminder to go with the flow and ACCEPT WHAT IS. And to TRUST that the information you most need to hear will be delivered to you at the absolute perfect time for you.

Moving an 8 hour flight away, to an island, certainly calls for acceptance and trust. I have been relying on guidance from the Archangels who work with me and my team of spirit guides to help me trust that I will find the perfect place to live at the perfect time and be able to clear all the things out of my home by my mid-May closing date.

Whenever I start to feel overwhelmed, I stop and breathe,  get grounded (back into my body) and meditate. This allows me to reconnect with my inner wisdom and light and all of the beautiful non-physical beings who are right there, helping me.  

I am learning so much about myself through all of this! And that, after all, is the reason we are all here.
 Free Angel Readings
 Specific for your zodiac sign, these readings provide guidance about what you need to know and do to navigate April with more ease & grace!

And yay! It is my 1 year anniversary of doing You Tube Readings!!! 

Check out the preview of what is coming for you this month! 

Aries this month:  Midas Touch & Find a mentor

Taurus this month:  Happy outcome & Open your Heart

Gemini this month: New Home & New Opportunity

Cancer this month:  You’re ready! Stop procrastinating!

Leo this month:  Give birth to dreams & Take a vacation

Virgo this month:  Revelation leads to change + Good $ News

Libra this month: Open your heart + Listen to Intuition

Scorpio this month: End of difficulty & Embrace the change!

Sagittarius this month:  Stretch your wings & Fall in love!

Capricorn this month: 
Competing goals & Listen to Intuition

Aquarius this month: On the right path & Give birth to dreams!
Pisces this month: Abundance & Stand your ground!

April 6, 2017

Upcoming Events in Minnesota

 Spring Gathering!

Sunday, April 23
11am - 5pm

170 Ruth ST. N. Party Room #150
St. Paul, MN  55119

Angel Readings by me!
Schedule your reading TODAY   

There will also be...

– Katelyn Mariah
Detoxification, nutrition and skin care from It Works.  Also introducing the HELO Health and Lifestyle Oracle.  The first wearable technology to do cardio measures, real time ekg, and soon to have Blood sugar monitoring. 

Intuitive Energy Healings
Kathy McMonagle

Essence Gardens - Bernedette Hindman Dusting powder and Bath salts.  

Laser Reflexology – Victoria Lucas A series of Laser massage techniques that are performed on the reflex zones on the feet to relieve tension, and treat illness.

Crystal Basics - Cathy Ohlgren, aka the "Crystal Whisperer"  Cathy is a Certified Chrystal Healer & a Certified Reiki Master. She will lead sessions on how to sense crystal energy & share info on using crystals in daily life. She will also be available for Reiki sessions as time allows.

Toxic Release – Mekka Lucas Detox technique that rids the body of toxins through the feet.  Treatment addresses physical illness, emotional and mental disorders, and promotes wellness.

Isis Designed - Deneece C. Lacy  Aromatherapy, Sacred Grids, Intentional Jewelry, Sound Healing & Crystal/Stone Therapy, Reiki.  I use the power of scent, sound, crystals & reiki to Align your Chakras, manage pain along with Intentional jewelry to get you back on your path to "Intentional Power, Healing and Magic”!

 April Decision Making Dates

Navigate your month with more ease!

The Chinese calendar provides direction astrologically on days that tend to be
challenging or favorable. Pay attention to
these dates to increase your success!

Birthday Special 
 Coupon code "BIRTHDAY"
saves you 31%

Use on any of these sessions as many times as you want, now through 4/30
Click links below NOW to reserve your spot and remember to use Coupon Code “BIRTHDAY” 

~ Virtual Feng Shui consults including:
Kim Julen
Feng Shui Intuitive Coach

WWS Certified Feng Shui Practitioner

Certified Angel CardReader