Happy Full Moon & Chinese New Year - will you be joining me?

Published: Fri, 02/10/17

Happy Chinese New Year & Full Moon!

Tonight we have a Full MoonLunar Eclipse and a Comet!!! This is powerful energy and you may be feeling a push to take action. The Full Moon is a wonderful time to release what is no longer serving you (ideas, people, thoughts, things) to set yourself up for manifesting with the New Moon. 

I am now including Moon Dates on my Decision-Making Dates page!  Pay attention to these dates to set yourself up for success! 

The Year of the Fire Rooster began February 3, 2017 (solar new year). If you think about the qualities of a rooster it will give you an indication of what this year will be about. Roosters like to strut their stuff and show off, they focus on the details, they are strong and efficient and bounce back. This year can also be about waking up (think of those early morning roosters crowing). Since the rooster has a metal energy this can also mean being able to focus, accomplishing more and taking care of details. Roosters do not tolerate clutter so clearing out things that are no longer bringing you joy will serve you well this year. If you'd like to learn more about how this energy will affect you and your home, schedule a Flying Star Consult.

With the Fire sign combo with the Rooster this year, there may be potential fire hazards, disasters, explosions and conflicts. However, Fire energy can enlighten and bring warmth as well.

Professions related to fire such as the stock market, entertainment and finance will do well this year. Earth industries also benefit this year including real estate, property, construction and mining. Lastly, jobs involving water such as transporting, shipping, water, oil, communication and research will fare well.

The Peach Blossom is prevalent this year which bodes well for romance and those businesses which support it such as Energy Healing, Yoga, Spa / Beauty, Fitness, Fashion and Feng Shui.


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Kim Julen
Finding Your Fiji LLC