Feng Shui 4 Health * Crystals, Healing Tools & Readings *FR*EE Gifts

Published: Wed, 04/13/16

Health & Birthdays go together!
Can you see the little crown on my head? I recently turned "50" and decided to throw a little party for myself to celebrate! It was so much fun gathering friends and family together. As I hit this milestone I realize just how important my health is. I am so grateful I feel good and my health is good as I venture into this new decade of my life!

Below you'll find an article with Feng Shui tips for Health as well as the links to FREE gifts that will help with not only your physical, but also  your mental, emotional and spiritual health.

For local folks, make sure to check out the event at Laurie Wondra's in Shakopee. I'm doing Angel Readings there and still have a few openings!

In Feng Shui and in life,
health is key

The center area of the Feng Shui Bagua represents Health. It touches all other areas of the Bagua, just as the state of your health affects every area of your life, right?

Your health affects your creativity, your children, your relationships, your reputation, your finances, your family, your ability to learn, to travel and most definitely affects your career.

There are many things in the center of your home/Bagua that may be affecting your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health on an energetic level. 

The center of your home, as a reflection of your health, should feel safe and welcoming. It's a bonus if you can actually sit in your center. Add the color Yellow (which is the Feng Shui Health color) or the element of Earth (anything square, earth tones or earthy material such as ceramics) to your center to give your health a boost. Read More... 


I'm participating in a Fun FR*EE Giveaway - yay!
This is specifically geared for YOU, my dear readers. You will LOVE the amazing gifts in this giveaway. I know many of the contributors personally and they are amazingly talented people. 

I contributed 2 Gifts:
Top 9 Feng Shui Mistakes Wreaking Havoc
in Your Life
& my Archangel Insight Guide

I'm also offering a couple very special deals on my Angel Readings so even if you've gotten my guide before, grab it again to see what those are!  
GRAB your GIFTS now!

Simply sign up and you will get HUNDREDS of FR*EE gifts! 

p.s.  By the way, when you go in, there are two pages of very low-cost offerings by Anne and Sherry, the hosts of this giveaway.  If you aren't interested, no worries. Just click "no thank you" and you'll be taken to ALL of the fr*ee gifts!

Kim Julen, Shift Master
WWS Certified Feng Shui Practitioner
Certified Angel CardReader


April 13, 2016

SATURDAY, April 30th, 10:00am - 4:00pm
Laurie Wondra's
6903 Sussex Lane
Shakopee, MN 55379

 Feng Shui Angel Readings  $50/25 minutes

Crystals, Rocks & Healing Tools  – Laurie Wondra
Laurie returns from her annual Tucson Gem Show where she hand selected amazing crystals, rocks and other special stones. These crystals then absorbed the Sedona sun/moon light until they are transported to Minnesota where these stones are available to be put to work for you or for others.
Intuitive EFT Tapping Session – Julie Jacky
Intuitive Certified EFT Practitioner & Financial Coach specializes in helping you through your physical, emotional and financial blocks & challenges so you may realize your full potential and move into the energetic space of love & joy.
Special: 30 minute EFT session for $30!