Feb Decision Dates * Tips to Shift

Published: Fri, 01/29/16

Would you like 2-4 Tips to Shift?

January 29, 2016

  I would love to Connect with you!

Wintertime has me wanting to connect with more people because I love stimulating conversations and am always looking for new ideas for my Blogs, Classes, Facebook posts and Offerings. 

I would love to learn more about YOU, what's going on in your life and how I may be able to support you in Finding Your Fiji. Click here to schedule a 20 minute Virtual Coffee Chat with me! I will give you 2-4 ideas to help you SHIFT whatever area of your life is presenting a challenge for you right now.

What type of tips will I give you?
Depending on the issue, it could be a tip about Feng Shui, organizing, energy technique, Law of Attraction, Angels,
business or client attraction.
Schedule your time with me and find out!
Dates Increase Your Success!

The Chinese calendar provides direction astrologically on days that tend to be challenging or favorable. Pay attention to these dates to increase your success!

Make decisions, take major action & make changes on Extremely Good & Good days
Retreat, avoid making decisions & protect your energy on Challenging & Extremely Challenging days.

Let the Angels Create a 2016 Map for You!
 Wouldn't it be nice to have insights from the Angels for each of the next 12 months?  
I'm offering a very special reading for my clients for the 2016 year. It's a MAP for the next 12 months covering the core areas of your life: Career, Finances, Romance, Health. The map will help you be prepared for what's coming. Monthly theme's help you focus on what's most important for that month plus you'll receive extra guidance from the Archangels & special Angels. 
In this unique 72 card Angel Reading you'll receive guidance for each month of the year which includes:
  • Monthly Theme (what you should focus on for the month)
  • Career/Life Purpose guidance
  • Romantic relationship guidance
  • Health/Healing guidance
  • Archangel messages
  • Special angel messages
  • Archangel Insight Guide with handy Archangel Chart
  • Pictures of the Theme cards
  • RECORDING of this 72 card reading (6 cards for each month)!

    * Note: this is not an interactive reading. Within 5 days of your order, I will record the reading for you to listen to and take notes from plus send the pics & guide.
Normally an extensive reading like this would cost close to $300. However, I'm guided to offer this Special Recorded Reading for only $216!

Beat the RUSH... Purchase yours now 
Kim Julen, Shift Master
WWS Certified Feng Shui Practitioner
Certified Angel CardReader
