2016 Angel Map * Decision Dates * Clear Clutter for Good

Published: Mon, 01/04/16

Happy New Year!

January 4, 2016

  This New Year feels magical already!

I sense amazing things will be happening for me and Finding Your Fiji this year and had this confirmed in a recent Astrology Reading. Per the stars I'm meant to be submitting a book proposal this year (eek!) and also exploring other places I may want to live. Minnesota in the winter is not my favorite venue though I do have all of my family here. I really enjoyed spending time with my boys (19 and 22), my 5 siblings and their significant others, my dad, niece and nephews as well as my 1 1/2 year old great niece over the Christmas Holiday. She's such a cutie pie!

One of my goals for the new year is to do more blogging and videos (Periscope and possibly Blab as well as training videos). I'd love to hear what topics you are interested in learning more about!
Email me with your ideas!!

Local peeps watch for an email of Upcoming Events later this week or check my EVENTS PAGE for more details!
Dates Increase Your Success!

The Chinese calendar provides direction astrologically on days that tend to be challenging or favorable. Pay attention to these dates to increase your success!

Make decisions, take major action & make changes on Extremely Good & Good days
Retreat, avoid making decisions & protect your energy on Challenging & Extremely Challenging days.

Let the Angels Create a 2016 Map for You!
 Wouldn't it be nice to have insights from the Angels for each of the next 12 months?  

I received a download this weekend encouraging me to offer a very special reading for my clients for the 2016 year. I tried this reading on myself first and was astounded by the insights I received ~ essentially a map for me for the next 12 months for the core areas of my life: Career, Finances, Romance, Health plus messages from an Archangel and special Angel guide.

In this unique Angel Reading you'll receive guidance on for each month of the year including:
  • Monthly Theme
  • Career/Life Purpose
  • Romance
  • Health/Healing
  • Archangel message
  • Special angel message
  • Archangel Insight Guide with handy Archangel Chart
  • Pictures of the Theme cards
  • RECORDING of this 72 card reading (6 cards for each month)!

    * Note: this is not an interactive reading. Within 5 days of your order, I will record the reading for you to listen to and take notes from plus send the pics & guide.

Normally an extensive reading like this would cost close to $300. However, I'm guided to offer this Special Recorded Reading for only $216!

Beat the RUSH... Purchase yours now 

Clear Clutter Once and For All!

Clear Clutter Once and For All using the KonMari Method of Tidying Up!

Its that time of year and I thought it was worth revisiting this topic. I've added some tips on folding and pictures of my drawers!

Clutter is not Feng Shui’s friend. I’ve written about this topic before in Do You Need a Clutter Buster? and Clearing Clutter in Disguise. There are great and useful tips in those blogs.

So why am I bringing it up again?

  1. Because despite my best efforts, I still have some clutter and I know you do too.

  2. I discovered an amazing decluttering method that actually works and had me clearing bags and bags of clutter from places in my home I didn’t think were cluttered!

  3. Clutter represents stuck energy in Feng Shui. It energetically drains you, lowers your vibration and can cause weight gain, fatigue, brain fog and many other issues.

  4. I want to help you allow the energy to FLOW in your space. And, with the clutter cleared, your Feng Shui adjustments will be much more effective! Essentially, doing this work will create a vacuum attracting everything you want right into your virtual vortex.

Marie Kondo, author of the Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, has spent a lifetime of trial and error figuring out the most effective method for decluttering your space. She had literally been obsessed with tidying (don’t you just love that word?) since she was a little girl. Read more...

Kim Julen, Shift Master
WWS Certified Feng Shui Practitioner
Certified Angel CardReader
