FREE FB readings tonight * Space Clearing Video * Intuitive Fair tomorrow

Published: Fri, 08/21/15

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August 21, 2015                Fun and Free Stuff

Thanks to some folks in my Mastermind group, I was finally able to get my Space Clearing video posted on YouTube (link below). Ignore the heavy sweatshirt since I made this in the

The angels were pretty insistent this morning that I do another round of Free Facebook Angel Readings tonight so we're on for 7-8pm CST. I'm also doing Feng Shui Angel Readings for local Twin Cities folks at the Metamorphosis Center tomorrow from 9am - 3:30pm. 

Decision Dates on Facebook!
For our Feng Shui folks and anyone that would like to see more success in their life, I am now going to post on the
Jump Start Feng Shui page days that are Extremely Good, Good, Challenging and Extremely Challenging. You want to make decisions, take major action and make changes on Extremely Good and Good days. Challenging and extremely challenging days are times to retreat, avoid making decisions and to protect your energy. Monday this week was one of those challenging days! Today is good day :)

Moon Energies

Full Moon - Aug 29  Sept 28 -  a time to release (stuck energy, old habits)

New Moon - Sept 13 - a time to set intentions and powerful for manifesting

FREE Facebook mini Angel Readings tonight!

Friday, August 21st from 7:00 - 8:00pm CST I will be offering FREE single card Angel Readings. The angels were pretty insistent about this last minute free reading hour so if this calls to you, please take advantage of it!

How does it work?
1) Like Kim’s Angel Insights page & change the Following setting to See First
2) At the appointed time, watch for the FREE Readings Now post in the feed

3) Post your question in the comments of that post

4) Watch for the reply in the feed (sorry no private messages).


Kim will answer as many questions as she can in the 60 minutes.


Go now to LIKE Angel Insights, use See First setting and then set an alarm on your phone for 7pm Central Time to submit your question! Convert to your time zone here:

What can I ask?

  • Any question or area you need guidance in your life right now
  • Challenges with family or romantic relationships
  • Financial questions
  • Career questions  
  • Life Purpose
  • Health questions
  • Yes/No questions
  • Business questions
Due to time constraints, all questions are answered in the feed. Can't make the FREE event or want a private reading? Click here to book!

 Feng Shui VIDEO              Clearing Your Space

Clearing Your Space With Sage    Click here to watch the VIDEO
Clearing your home and office is an important step in the Feng Shui process. Negative or stuck energy builds up in spaces, just like dust and dirt.

When Should You Clear Your Space?
  • When you  move into a new home
  • After an argument in the space
  • Before doing Feng Shui adjustments
  • After having a party
  • If someone has died in the space (leave a door ajar to gently nudge the soul to leave)
  • Anytime you are feeling “off” energy-wise (not like yourself)
  • Regularly, at least a couple times a year. I smudge (clearing with sage) monthly
Watch the VIDEO now to learn more about Space Clearing and how to do it!

  Intuitive Fair & Blissful Balance Readings

 Feng Shui Angel Readings at Metamophosis Saturday, Aug. 22nd 9am - 3:30pm along with many free Learning Sessions.

My FREE learning session is at 12:30pm on Handling special Feng Shui energy issues including “bad luck” homes, spirits, ashes, robbery, or living near a cemetery or church.  Book your reading here!   $40 for 30 minute reading

Blissful Balance Vendor Fair
SATURDAY, Sept. 12th 2:00 - 5:00 pm
 Blissful Balance
6861 Upper Afton Rd, Suite 103
Woodbury, MN 55125
* Mini Angel Readings $25 for 15 minutes

  New! Online Scheduling & App with MINDBODY

 I'm so excited to share I have a new online system for scheduling. You can click the link on the left to get the app for your Iphone or Android smart phone. Then simply search for Finding Your Fiji.  Or CLICK THIS LINK to go directly to my online scheduling system!  You can use MindBody online scheduling to book:

  • FREE Virtual Coffee Connection Calls
  • Angel Readings
  • Feng Shui Consults (via Skype and in person for local Twin Cities folks)
  • Strategy Sessions
  • Coaching Sessions

 Facebook Pages for more frequent Inspiration 

Kim Julen, Shift Master
WWS Certified Feng Shui Practitioner
Certified Angel Card Reader


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