Feng Shui in the Bedroom * Oct Decision Dates * Wealth Bowls

Published: Sun, 10/04/15

 October 2, 2015          Fall is here...Time to WARM things up!

In some parts of the world it's turning to summer. Here in Minnesota, though, we are embracing fall. This time of year gets me thinking about hot drinks, warm blankets, changing the welcome mat to a Halloween or fall theme and my light summer bedspread to a comforter. This is a perfect time to warm things up in other areas too, like the Bedroom and your Wealth corner! 

I've been invited to participate as a Guest Host on the Art of Sacred Pleasure this Tuesday at 2pm Central Time. I'll be talking about Feng Shui in the Bedroom ~ Creating Your Intimate Space. I've included my popular Feng Shui for Love blog below, which has some great info. However, in this call I'll be sharing some tips that I haven't shared before about using the Elements to heighten your experience and clearing energy of past relationships to open yourself up for that new Love. The class is FREE!  and its recorded so if you can't make the call, you can listen later. You'll need to pre-register here!

For local Minnesota and Wisconsin folks, check out the workshop below I'm doing on Creating Wealth Bowls October 20th at the Metamorphisis Center (see details below).


've included my favorite Pumpkin Pancake recipe again for those who may have missed it because they are delicious and there's nothing like cinnamon to warm things up!  

 Feng Shui Article                         Feng Shui for LOVE

Whether you are in a committed relationship or still searching for “The One,” Feng Shui paves the way for more harmonious relationships. Feng Shui helps you recognize how your space reflects your life and encourages you to create a new relationship with your space. In the relationship arena, Feng Shui can help:

  • Bring balance, equality and harmony
  • Get the sparks flying again
  • Attract your soul mate
  • Reduce/eliminate arguments
  • Improve relationships with family, friends and coworkers
  • Deepen your relationship with yourself or creator
There are two main areas in your home we look at to improve relationships.

  Healthy Recipe - Pumpkin Pancakes

This is one of my absolute favorite Paleo recipes. It's Gluten free and delicious. I literally make these at least once a week and even my boys like them!  Click here to download recipe

The recipe comes from Practical Paleo (my food bible...lol)

  Angel Highlights   ~      Archangel Raphael

Archangel Chamuel (male) is symbolized by a pale green color. He helps with Soulmate relationships and strenthening relationships. He's also a great career counselor and can help you with your life purpose, powerful healing, comfort, world peace and tolerance, gratitude, finding lost things, situations and people.

 October Decision Making Dates

9The Chinese calendar provides direction astrologically on days that tend to be challenging or favorable. Pay attention to these dates to increase your success!

Make decisions, take major action & make changes on Extremely Good & Good days Retreat, avoid making decisions & protect your energy on Challenging & Extremely Challenging days.

Extremely Good


Extremely Challenging
2, 9, 15 , 22, 27

1, 7, 8, 14,20 
11, 12

4, 13, 24, 25

I'm posting these dates on my Jump Start Feng Shui page so make sure to LIKE and follow my page to get these reminders on the actual dates!

The date chart is also available on my website now!

  MN Workshop - Create a Feng Shui Wealth Bowl!

Feng Shui Wealth Wisdom:

Stimulate CA$H Flow by Creating A Wealth Bowl
Tuesday, October 20th
7:00pm to 9:00 pm
The Metamorphosis Center
1301 Easyt Cliff Rd, #105
Burnsville, MN 55337

Only $27  Register today at: www.theMetamorphosisCenter.net

Are you feeling financially stressed? Stimulate more income and opportunities by creating your very own wealth bowl. You can bring some of your own “ingredients” (anything that makes you feel rich or symbolizes wealth) and add those to the many auspicious items I’ll have to create your bowl.  By setting an intention for attracting abundance and wealth and taking action to create a physical symbol or talisman of this wealth, you will speed up the Law of Attraction and be on your way to “Finding Your Fiji”. 

 Facebook Pages for more frequent Inspiration 


Kim Julen, Shift Master
WWS Certified Feng Shui Practitioner
Certified Angel Card Reader


Email Me