Create SPACE * 1st Jump Start Feng Shui class * Intuitive Fair * Virtual Summit is Live

Published: Wed, 04/08/15

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Volume 9 - April 8, 2015       Space & Happenings

 Last week was my birthday - big 49 for those curious folks. I celebrated by taking a little solo retreat to the northern shores of Minnesota. It was beautiful and I rested, spent time outside and recharged my batteries. Oh - and I did a little work on my Jump Start Feng Shui class which is starting on Monday. It's a live class here in the Twin Cities. Don't worry out of town peeps, I'm working on an online class for you!

WOW! There is a lot going on and I've jam packed this newsletter with the details.  Everything from the Intuitive Fair (get a reading to see what's coming or get guidance on where you're going), a cool Mother's Day Boutique, details on my class and The Movement Marketing Summit, which is now LIVE!


 Feng Shui Article    Create Dream Space by Decluttering!

                                                  The KonMari Method of Tidying Up

Clutter is not Feng Shui’s friend. I’ve written about this topic before in Do You Need a Clutter Buster? and Clearing Clutter in Disguise. There are great and useful tips in those blogs.

So why am I bringing it up again?

  1. Because despite my best efforts, I still have some clutter and I know you do too.

  2. I discovered an amazing decluttering method that actually works and had me clearing bags and bags of clutter from places in my home I didn’t think were cluttered!

  3. Clutter represents stuck energy in Feng Shui. It energetically drains you, lowers your vibration and can cause weight gain, fatigue, brain fog and many other issues.

  4. I want to help you allow the energy to FLOW in your space. And, with the clutter cleared, your Feng Shui adjustments will be much more effective! Essentially, doing this work will create a vacuum attracting everything you want right into your virtual vortex.

Marie Kondo, author of the Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, has spent a lifetime of trial and error figuring out the most effective method for decluttering your space. She had literally been obsessed with tidying (don’t you just love that word?) since she was a little girl. Read more...

Get your own copy of the book & learn why I'm in love with this system!

 JUMP START FENG SHUI class - 1st time Special!      

 Are you feeling stuck?     Wouldn’t be nice to get back in the flow?  

Mondays:  April 13th and April 20th
6:00 - 9:00 pm

The Metamorphosis Center
1301 East Cliff Rd, Burnsville, MN

Learn how to keep money from going out the door, health from going down the drain, sleep more restfully, support career changes and much more!

  • Receive an accurate Bagua (map) of the main level of your home
  • Identify your home’s unique challenges that are affecting your life. Things like missing pieces, fireplaces, bathrooms, stairs, furnaces, stoves, doors
  • Learn how to energetically clear and bless your home
  • Understand how your bedroom layout affect sleep, health, and relationships
    Gain a basic understanding of the 5 elements
  • Learn about the most common Feng Shui cures and how to use them
Get an actionable plan to clear the clutter from your home for good!
Receive a powerful Feng Shui adjustment for attracting abundance
This is a unique opportunity to work with me in a small group setting.
I normally charge $557 for my Life Shift Feng Shui Home Consultations 
So why am I offering this special pricing of just $127?  

I will be using the data and materials in this class to create my online course. I want to run real live students through the course to ensure it’s as effective and user friendly as possible. In return I will ask for your feedback and testimonials.

Register by Friday & I will give you a $30 refund 1st day of class!

Intuitive Fair Saturday!

Don't Miss the FREE Learning Sessions!

My session is at 10am!
Clutter Busting:
How Clearing Clutter Improves Your life!

Have you been interested in learning more about Akashic Records, Past Lives, Tarot, Astrology, other areas of the metaphysical sciences?  Read more about the offerings of our practitioners who bring very creative and comprehensive experiences for you to sample and enjoy. 

Because we know that your weekend time is valuable, you can now choose your practitioner and specific time slot when you register.
This means no waiting at the event!


  Whoo Hoo!  Marketing Summit is LIVE  :)

After weeks of anticipation, it’s finally LIVE!

Aj Amyx and Andy Zitzmann just started the action for their Movement Marketing Summit and it’s FREE:
You get access to 50 ELITE GAME CHANGING Interviews and Resources on how to build your brand and start a movement online!
You’ll learn everything you need to know from A to Z. From uncovering your passion and purpose to sharing your message, to attracting clients to getting paid.
This summit is action-packed with how-to content that will transform your life and business, no matter what stage of the game you are playing at.

 Facebook Pages for more frequent Inspiration 


Kim Julen, Shift Master
WWS Certified Feng Shui Practitioner
Certified Angel Card Reader


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