Spring CLEAN * Chocolate Almond Raspberry Butter Bars * Decision Dates * Free Summit

Published: Wed, 03/25/15

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Volume 8 - March 25, 2015       Spring Cleaning = Feng Shui

We thought spring had sprung in Minnesota, only to be fooled by a March snowfall this week. We got 3 inches in the Twin Cities though some southern Minnesota folks got upwards of 15 inches!

This issue's Feng Shui article is about getting unstuck. Sometimes we need to do something different to get moving again and I found that cleaning my house served that purpose for me a few weeks ago. A clean house is good Feng Shui anyway. There's a 5 minute audio link in the article too - I learned a new trick!

COMING SOON: I've stumbled upon a new way to declutter your home which I am absolutely obsessed with so watch for that article next week!


 Feng Shui Article          Feeling Stuck? Clean Your House!

I have a confession. A few weeks ago my house was really dirty. I mean, like you could write your name in the dust on my dresser dirty. And the sand in my back entry hall filled a dust pan! Those of you who live in winter wonderlands know what I’m talking about, right? Somehow the sand they spread on the roads to keep cars from slipping just appears in the house, like magic, except not as much fun.


The dirt was getting to me. I was also feeling stuck, unmotivated and even a bit lethargic. So, I took a day off from working to clean.

I don’t really love cleaning. I know there are people who do love it. I love having a clean house, but scrubbing the floors, dusting, vacuuming and cleaning toilets is not my idea of a great way to spend my day off.


But I did it. And, I enjoyed it. Really, I did!!  Read more...


Listen here to learn how I found the joy.

  Recipe - Chocolate Almond Raspberry Butter Bars

 I admit it - I LOVE chocolate and who could resist this dessert that contains no refined sugars?!  This comes from Lindsay's food blog, Pinch of Yum (don't you just love that title?!)

Here's a link to grab the recipe


  Angel Highlights   ~      Archangel Jophiel

Archangel Jophiel (female) is one of my favorites since she is the spiritual Feng Shui consultant. Jophiel loves to help you redecorate, clear clutter, energetically clear your space and helps with Spring Cleaning, which is, of course, why I chose to highlight her this month! AA Jophiel also helps with artistic projects, patience and slowing down from a hectic pace. She helps you see the beauty in your surroundings and connect with nature.

Here is an invocation to call upon Archangel Jophiel (from Doreen Virtue):

“Archangel  Jophiel, please help me with [describe the situation].
Thank you for helping me see the innerDivine beauty within myself
and everyone involved.Thank you for your intervention in creating a
beautiful outcome. In gratitude, and in the name of all that is
beautiful, I thank you, Jophiel.”

March and April Decision Making Dates

The Chinese calendar provides direction astrologically on days that tend to be challenging or favorable. Pay attention to these dates to increase your success!

Make decisions, take major action & make changes on Extremely Good & Good days Retreat, avoid making decisions & protect your energy on Challenging & Extremely Challenging days.

Extremely Good


Extremely Challenging
6, 19, 25, 26

1, 19

4, 7, 12, 18 31

3, 6, 7, 13, 14, 16, 23, 26

10, 11, 14, 21, 28

2, 4, 9, 11, 21, 27
2, 15, 23, 27

5, 10, 17

The date chart is also available on my website now!

Moon Energies

Full Moon - April 4th -  a time to release (stuck energy, old habits, etc.)

New Moon - April 18th- a time to set intentions and powerful for manifesting

  6 Steps to Build a Brand and Start a Movement 

Building a brand and starting a movement is a mystery to a lot of people. Many people spend tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars learning the exact art and science to making money while making a difference.

If you find the VOICE is calling you to build a brand and start a movement...

My good friends Aj Amyx and Andy Zitzmann are about to release one the BIGGEST online events of the year and it’s FREE and awesome!

They interviewed 50 ELITE GAME CHANGING Entrepreneurs to equip you with the GPS to building a brand, starting a movement and create the business and life you have always dreamed of.

The BEST part…you can watch the entire thing for FREE.  Cool beans, right?!

AJ and Andy created the Movement Marketing Summit to give leaders and high-achievers, who are authors, speakers, coaches, consultants and trainers, the Playbook to building a brand and starting a movement.

No more second guessing what you should do.

The Summit reveals the step-by-step guidance system for making a difference, getting paid and becoming a POWERFUL Player.

Enjoy the sessions and take notes. Trust me, it’s worth the opt-in.

P.S. You’ll also get free access to the FIRST PRE-SUMMIT Training Video where you’ll learn the 5 steps you must follow to build a brand and start a movement.

All this just for signing up before the Movement Marketing Summit goes LIVE on April 7th! 

 New Facebook Pages for more frequent Inspiration 


Kim Julen, Shift Master
WWS Certified Feng Shui Practitioner
Certified Angel Card Reader


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