Clutter Clearing Tips, Awesome Health Videos, Gifts and Jan Decision dates

Published: Wed, 01/14/15

Volume 5 - January 14, 2015      Welcome New Subscribers!

Welcome to all my new subscribers!  My mission is to provide you massive value so you look forward to receiving my newsletters each week.   What will you find here?

* I always provide a Feng Shui article with tips about how to create an environment that supports you 
* Decision making dates (good and challenging)
* Healthy recipes and/or health tips from other experts

This week I have been urged by the Archangels to highlight one of them in each issue (yes, the angels do talk to me) and Michael is the one coming through strongest this week.

 Feng Shui Article            Do You Need a Clutter Buster?

If you want more money, you do! The quickest way to manifest more money is to clear out clutter. Clutter busting helps with a number of other life issues as well.

When I do a Feng Shui home consult, I specifically ask the client not to clean or straighten up. By seeing how they live on a daily basis, I’m better able to help them shift the energy in their space and get to the root of their life challenges.

So, I do see clutter. And, to be honest, I have a few clutter spots in my own home. My office closet is one of them. I swear the stuff in there is multiplying! I have cleaned and organized this closet multiple times. You know how it is…you clean out other areas and more stuff gets shoved into the closet, right? It can be a vicious cycle.

So what’s clutter got to do with manifesting money?    Read More

 You can't get better advice than this 

HURRY!  It's only available one more day :)

If I could get someone who went from obese to athlete to share all their philosophies and strategies, and answer the most frequently asked questions in the health and wellness industry, would you listen?


I hope so! I wish someone had laid out this information about fitness, support, and mindfulness and the crucial roles they play in creating and SUSTAINING my own healthy lifestyle. It took me a lot of time to figure this out and my friend Daniele has laid it all out for you here....for FREE!


Watch this video to see what I’m talking about


This is Daniele Hargenrader busting the top 3 fitness myths/excuses, revealing the best and easiest (free!) place to get support on your health journey, and explaining what it truly means to be mindful and how doing so will literally change every part of your life.


What’s great is that it’s just Daniele there talking right to you, no theatrics or camera crew. What’s even better is that she’s following her passion, sharing her advice with the world for free, and making a difference while doing it.


You can create your own SUSTAINABLE healthy lifestyle. Daniele’s videos will teach you the simple strategies to get started right now.


Great stuff, a must-watch…take notes!

               Divinely Connected JV Biz Giveaway

I'm participating in a joint venture with some other spiritual leaders.  We are all giving away FREE gifts to help YOU start the New Year off right! I've found several of the gifts to be of value and thought you might, too.

There are lots of free gifts to choose from until January 31st.

Here are some Helpful Hints for you...

1. When you log in, you will see a Special Offer from a gift contributors-- feel free to skip the offers. (You will only see these offers when you log in. Everything else is FREE).

2.  To skip the Special Offer scroll down and click on the "No Thank you" button at the bottom.

3.  Click "Get Gifts" and ENJOY!   CHECK OUT THE FREE GIFTS

  Angel Highlights   ~      Archangel Michael

Archangel Michael is a powerhouse angel. He helps with protection, courage, love, power, strength, faith, wisdom. he brings clarity to your desires and helps you find and fulfill your life purpose.

Ask Michael to protect you, your family and your home. He can also help with clearing of your home or office and your personal energy field (by cutting ethereal cords).

*Angel card readings are one of the most accurate ways for you to receive answers to your life questions and guidance about your future. The angels want very much to help you, yet they can only do so if you ask. Angel readings give you peace of mind, comfort and insight in challenging times as well as joyful times. Read More

 January Decision Making Dates

The Chinese calendar provides direction astrologically on days that tend to be challenging or favorable. Pay attention to these dates to increase your success!

Make decisions, take major action & make changes on Extremely Good & Good days Retreat, avoid making decisions & protect your energy on Challenging & Extremely Challenging days.

Extremely GoodGood ChallengingExtremely Challenging
9, 10, 22, 29 1, 14, 15, 21,25, 27, 285, 18, 30, 318, 20, 24

The date chart is also available on my website now!

 New Facebook Pages for Daily Inspiration 


Kim Julen, Shift Master
WWS Certified Feng Shui Practitioner
Certified Angel Card Reader


Email Me