Down the Drain: how toilets affect your life + Unique gift ideas

Published: Mon, 12/15/14

Happy Holidays and Welcome to Newsletter #3!

December has always been a time of reflection and planning for me and this year is no exception.  I completed my Business planning for the 1st quarter of 2015 and am excited about the workshops and online classes I am planning on Dream Boards, Feng Shui, Abundance, and the Law of Attraction. What are you doing to make sure 2015 is your best year yet?  I'm here to help!

In this week's Feng Shui article I'm shedding light on the draining energy of toilets!  What fun! I've also got a great recipe for protein gummies.

My Holiday Open House is coming up on December 19th and 20th. See below for details and unique gift-giving ideas for the holidays. Plus, a special offer to take advantage of 2014 Feng Shui Home and Office Consult prices!

 Holiday Open House  & Unique Gift Ideas

             Holiday Open House
Friday Dec. 19th       4:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Saturday Dec. 20th  10:00 am - 2:00 pm
             or by appointment
 Cottage Grove, MN 55016
Call Kim at 651-230-7361 or email for address 


Angel Reading Gift Certificates ~ 20% off
 Angel card readings are one of the most accurate ways for you to receive answers to your life questions and guidance about your future. The angels want very much to help you, yet they can only do so if you ask. Angel readings give you peace of mind, comfort and insight in challenging times as well as joyful times. 

Kim is a Certified Angel Card Reader and can help you and your loved ones get answers to your most pressing life issues.  Click here to purchase 15 – 60 minute phone readings available and all are 20% off!


Feng Shui Consult Certificates
Kim Julen is a WWS Certified Feng Shui Practitioner. She can help you “Feng Shui” your space through personal home and office consultations.  

Dream Board Kits ~ 20% off  Order online here
Card Decks / Calendars / Books~ 20% off
Feng Shui Kits and Cure Items~ 20% off
Ideal Designs Jewelry ~ 50% off all items! Necklaces, earrings, bracelets & more


Down the Drain: How Toilets Affect Your life!

Indoor plumbing is a great convenience. I shudder to think what it would be like to use an outhouse during one of our freezing Minnesota winters!

Toilets are a necessity yet in Feng Shui they represent draining energy. Toilets contain the biggest drains in your home in comparison to sinks, showers or bathtubs. They can literally be a drain on health or wealth or whichever area of your home they are located. The good news is that very simple Feng Shui adjustments can help get things flowing in the right direction again! Read More

   Dates to Take Action

The Chinese calendar provides direction astrologically on days that tend to be
challenging or favorable.  I now have these dates on my website for you!

Recipe for Protein  Gelatin Gummies 

Looking for a great source of protein?  

These  have 6g per tablespoon and are a great snack for kids and adults alike.

I put 3-4 in small snack size baggies for a quick grab & go snack.

* You can also get the Great Lakes green can to mix with any liquids.  Both are essentially tasteless and odorless!

  • Supports healthy skin, hair and nails

  • Good for joints and joint recovery

  • Helps skin elasticity & may improve cellulite

  • Improves digestion (helps food move through the digestive track)

  • Great source of dietary collagen  

  • Source of protein and amino acids (Glycine helps with liver function and Lysine helps in muscle building and calcium absorption)


    Gelatin Gummy Recipe

    Ingredients: Juice and Great Lakes pure protein Gelatin


    Heat ½ the juice in a pan on the stove and while it’s warming,
    place the other ½ of juice in a bowl and mix in gelatin, stirring
    1 tablespoon in at a time. Once juice is nearly boiling, pour into

    bowl with other juice/gelatin mixture and stir well. Pour mixture
    into pan or mold and refrigerate for a few hours.


    For firmer gummies (little men pictured), use 2 cups juice
    with 5 tbsp of gelatin.  For more jello-like gummies in a pan,

    mix 4 cups juice with 5 tbsp of gelatin or 6 cups juice with
    7 – 8 tbsp of gelatin, always heating ½ the juice and mixing the
    other ½ juice with the gelatin before combining with hot juice.

For more info on the benefits of gelatin, check out Wellness Mama

 There's An Essence for That...    

Digestive Issues 

Flower Essences make great  STOCKING  STUFFERS

Does your tummy rebel with all the holiday foods you are eating?  Digestive Woes is a great all natural remedy for what ails you! It's in the Animal Wellness collection of essences yet is effective for people as well as animals. You can even put it in your baby's bath water to help her tummy!
Click here to order!

 Flower Essences are homeopathic (natural) remedies and offer wonderful healing information about a vast array of emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual concerns.  Read more about Flower Essences

 Click here for a list of Common Concerns                    Click here to order!

Want more Feng Shui Tips?
CLICK HERE to Get my 9 Fast Feng Shui Fixes to Attract Abundance

Kim Julen, Shift Master
WWS Certified Feng Shui Practitioner
Certified Angel Card Reader

Email Me